为了纪念 地球的月, various student organizations and Trinity’s Office of 可持续性 have held a series of community events throughout April. 的 绿色校园 club recently partnered with 这个工厂 to host the fifth annual GreenFest, an event designed to educate its attendees on the subject of sustainability on campus. 这个节日, held on April 13 at 这个工厂, featured various bands, 演讲者, informational tables, 服装, 和活动.

GreenFest 2024
GreenFest was held on April 13 at 这个工厂. Photos by Nick Caito.

“的 main goal of this event is to celebrate and promote sustainability, specifically at 全球十大网赌正规平台,” 说 Aurora Trani ’24, co-president of 绿色校园. “We want to encourage people to take actions to be more sustainable in their daily life.”

In addition to events like this, 绿色校园 works to implement sustainable practices on Trinity’s campus and around 哈特福德. Through educating members of the community on topics such as recycling and composting, 当地的食物, and energy reduction, the club works to create a standard of conservation on campus. 的 club also collaborates with other student organizations, such as the Sustainable Finance Association (SFA) and Trin Divest, to advocate for environmental sustainability.

Addressing the concept of sustainability beyond environmental concerns, GreenFest also highlighted the prevalence of sustainability in other world issues. 科琳·奎因,24岁, co-president of 绿色校园, 说, “T在这里 are a lot of intersecting aspects with environmental sustainability. If you want sustainability, you have to have environmental sustainability, social sustainability, and other aspects that go into an overarching 图像 of sustainability.”

GreenFest 2024
绿色校园 Co-Presidents Aurora Trani ’24 and 科琳·奎因,24岁.

Trinity’s sustainability coordinator, 海莉柏林, 添加, “We’ve been trying to push beyond environmental sustainability to include social and economic justice. All of those things are intertwined, and sustainability can be involved in every issue that you see.”

As part of Trinity’s strategic plan, 峰会, the College is committed to embracing and promoting sustainability as a fundamental value. 的 可持续性 Action Plan is the culmination of a multi-year collaboration between students, 教师, and staff that sets the College’s strategies and priorities to further its sustainability efforts. 的 plan can be viewed 在这里.

Connecticut Secretary of the State Stephanie Thomas kicked off GreenFest by speaking to the audience about voting sustainability. After a 30-year career working with non-profit organizations, Thomas 说 that she has prioritized protecting voting rights and strengthening education in her work as a politician. 在她的演讲中, Thomas shared information about voting in Connecticut, encouraged the audience to make their voices heard, and invited attendees to register to vote at a table set up at the festival.

“We can’t just vote and expect change to happen,” 说 Thomas. “We have to do things all year round, just like we do with sustainability. Election Day is just the start.”

GreenFest 2024
Connecticut Secretary of the State Stephanie Thomas speaks at GreenFest 2024.

莎朗·刘易斯, executive director of the Connecticut Coalition for Environmental Justice, also spoke at the event. This organization promotes environmental justice through community advocacy and engagement. 在她的演讲中, Lewis shared more about the initiatives the coalition is taking on to improve sustainability across the state of Connecticut.

In addition to featuring guest 演讲者, the event also highlighted various Trinity student groups and organizations, and offered musical performances, 俱乐部表, 和活动. “I had a very positive experience at GreenFest,” 说 Tess Gobiel ’26. “的 environment of the event stood out to me the most. Everyone tabling was enthusiastic and engaging.”

As for the future of sustainability at Trinity, the leaders of 绿色校园 and the Office of 可持续性 hope to continue to spread awareness on these issues, educate community members, and promote an eco-friendly campus. “We worked very hard on getting compost bins in Mather [Dining Hall] and also having a compost system on Crescent Street,特拉尼说。. “A simple thing that every student can do is to make sure that you’re composting correctly.”

Quinn 添加, “We’ve also been trying to implement sustainability beyond just our operations. We want to get sustainability into more courses, no matter the department. It shouldn’t be just environmental science majors who are learning about this; it should be everyone.” For a schedule of 地球的月 events on campus and beyond, click 在这里.

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