Bylaws for the Trinity College Exempt Staff Council​

As amended June 21, 2012; June 2018

PDF version here

I. Purpose 

获豁免教职员评议会的成立是为了使其成员能够为学院追求其教育使命作出更有意义的贡献. 理事会认识到其成员是由一群高技能和敬业的人组成的,他们将智慧和多年的经验带到他们为全球十大网赌正规平台的职责中. 理事会的成立是为了让这些男女在寻求以超出其工作描述的方式为全球十大网赌正规平台做出贡献时发出自己的声音.

  • The Exempt Staff Council through its duly elected representatives will work to:
  • Build bridges between the exempt staff and other constituencies on campus including non-exempt staff, faculty, and upper administration.
  • Enhance communications between exempt staff and other constituencies of Trinity College, including senior administration, NESC membership, faculty, students and their families, and alumni.
  • Offer, when deemed appropriate and necessary, advice to senior administration.
  • Ensure that staff members serve on committees that help determine college policies, particularly but not exclusively those policies which directly affect the exempt staff.
  • Provide a forum for discussing/resolving issues and concerns of the exempt staff, and advocate on behalf of the rights and needs of the exempt staff.

While the Exempt Staff Council is not a labor organization and will not negotiate specific grievances, labor disputes, wages, rates of pay, hours of employment, or work conditions on behalf of any individual employee, 它将努力营造一种环境,使这些问题能够公开讨论,并建设性地解决问题,使所有有关方面都感到满意.

II. Elections 

Voting Eligibility 

为了在选举中投票和竞选行政教职员委员会的成员,教职员必须是全球十大网赌正规平台的豁免教职员, as defined by the federal Fair Labor Standards Act, with certain exceptions. Given that the purpose of this Exempt Staff Council is to give voice to staff members, those who are currently defined by the administration as members of the senior staff group, 谁有更多的机会接触校长,从而在制定大学政策和战略方向方面有更直接的投入, will be excluded from membership. 此外,担任临时行政管理人员的教员和成功申请投票权的教员也被排除在外.

Election of the Exempt Staff Council 

The exempt staff shall elect from among its members at least ten members to serve as the Exempt Staff Council. 理事会成员的任期为两年,任期交错,以便每年选举大约一半的成员. Terms shall coincide with the college’s fiscal year calendar. Members of the council may serve no more than three consecutive full terms (i.e. six consecutive years). 如委员在空缺年度内获委任,其部分任期不应计算在任期限制内.

It is the responsibility of the council to determine the proper number of members as long as it remains at least ten. 如果理事会决定应该减少成员数量,他们将在下次选举之前决定如何减少成员数量以完成减少,并努力尽可能保持交错任期.

理事会的选举应在春季通过无记名电子投票进行,使用批准投票系统,豁免工作人员可以对他们选择的任意多名候选人投一票. Results shall be announced to the membership following the vote tally. Voting shall be conducted as follows:

如果一名成员因任何原因离开理事会,将使成员人数减少到10人以下,或者从校园社区的重要区域中消除代表, one of the alternate members shall assume the vacancy. 如果这是不可能的,从最近一次选举中获得第二高票数的合适候选人可能会被要求完成任期的剩余部分. If this is not possible, a replacement may be appointed by the council.

For the purposes of ensuring a smooth transition after each election, the past chair shall call a meeting of past and newly elected members. 这次会议的重点是传播与正在进行的项目有关的任何信息,并确保下一学年的官员选举顺利进行. 在全球十大网赌正规平台工作时间最长的成员将主持会议并协调官员的选举.

  1. All members of the exempt staff as defined above may vote.
  2. Members of exempt staff who vote shall constitute a quorum.
  3. Any exempt staff member may be nominated or self-nominate, with no seconding required as long as they meet the requirements defined above.
  4. The candidates who receive the most votes shall be elected to fill the existing vacancies.
  5. Since the council is intended to be a representative body, 现任理事会成员(继续和新当选的成员)应决定新组成的理事会是否具有足够的代表性. 如果校园社区的一个或多个重要区域没有代表,则从适当区域获得最多选票的候选人, though not among the top candidates, shall also serve on the council.
  6. 得票第二多的两名候选人当选为候补候选人,任期一年. Alternates are expected to attend meetings but will only have voting privileges when it is necessary to reach a quorum. There are no term limits for alternates.

III. Selection of Officers 

The council shall select from among its members three to serve as officers for a one year term as defined below.

Officers of the council may serve no more than two consecutive full terms (i.e. two consecutive years). 官员因出缺而在年度内担任职务的,其部分任期不计算在任期限制内.

  1. Chair, who shall:
    1. Preside at all meetings of the Exempt Staff Council.
    2. Prepare and distribute an agenda prior to each meeting.
  2. Vice-Chair, who shall:
    1. Perform duties of the chair in the event the chair is absent or cannot serve.
    2. Consult with the chair on meeting agenda.
    3. Organize elections.
    4. Serve as treasurer.
  3. Recording Secretary, who shall:
    1. Record accurate minutes of each meeting.
    2. Prepare and distribute minutes in a timely fashion.
    3. Maintain the minutes for his/her term of office and pass them on to the successor, along with the historic records.
    4. Coordinate communications with the exempt staff membership and other constituencies as necessary.
    5. Regularly monitor communications from exempt staff members via email, online forms or other channels and forward items to the chair as appropriate.

IV. Responsibilities of Exempt Staff Council Members

The duties of Exempt Staff Council Members shall include, but are not limited to, the following:

  1. Attend all meetings of the council. Members may be asked to step down if chronically absent.
  2. Report to the exempt staff on important information and issues as they arise. At least once a year and with at least two weeks’ notice, 理事会将召集全体豁免工作人员,届时理事会应报告其前一年的活动.
  3. Conduct the annual election for members of the council.
  4. Conduct the annual election for officers and other elected committee representatives.
  5. The council shall work with college committees to ensure that
    1. ​As deemed necessary, the exempt staff is represented on these committees,
    2. 这些学院委员会讨论的问题和决定及时传达给获豁免的员工.
  6. The ESC shall strive to conduct all business in a sustainable manner, especially in regards to its dissemination of meeting minutes, agendas and other supporting documents.
  7. Establish and serve on ESC subcommittees.​

V. Meetings

The Exempt Staff Council shall meet at least monthly during the year. Other meetings may be called as the council deems necessary. A quorum of the council must be present to officially take up business and shall consist of 2/3 of its membership. All council meetings are open to the general membership of the exempt staff.


A vote of the Council is required for any official business or actions including but not limited to:

  • Election of Officers and committee representatives
  • Approval of minutes
  • Official statements of the ESC
  • Sponsorship of campus activities, events or programs
  • Approval of expenditures for professional development funds

Voting may take place by any means deemed appropriate by the Council including but not limited to, voice vote, paper ballots, email or other electronic means.

VI. Senior Staff Liaison 

The council shall arrange for a member of the senior staff to act as a liaison between that group and the council. The Senior Staff Liaison may attend all regular meetings without voting privileges, though the council reserves the right to meet without the liaison present. 联络人应提供咨询意见和观点,并作为豁免工作人员理事会与高级工作人员之间的直接沟通手段. 预计联络员将定期向高级工作人员报告,并在必要时向理事会提供该小组的反馈意见.

VII. Non-Exempt Staff Council Liaison 

豁免工作人员理事会应安排与非豁免工作人员理事会联络,以便进行协调和沟通. This individual will, attend NESC meetings and report to the ESC regularly about the actions and initiatives of the NESC. Similarly, 欢迎教育科学委员会的代表出席人事编制小组委员会的会议,以便分享信息和协调活动.

VIII. Subcommittees 

获豁免工作人员理事会将设立和解散小组委员会,集中处理与获豁免工作人员有关的具体问题. 每个小组委员会将选出一名主席,负责维持议程并定期向理事会报告活动. The chair and members of the subcommittee shall be composed of any member of the exempt staff, and have representation from the Non Exempt Staff Council as appropriate.

IX. Adoption of and Revisions to the Bylaws

豁免教职员评议会的附例及其所有修订或修订必须符合书院的所有官方政策. These bylaws shall be adopted by a vote conducted in the manner used to elect the council. Exempt staff who vote shall constitute a quorum, approval by a 2/3 majority of the quorum shall be necessary for adoption.

章程的修订可以由任何获得豁免的员工提出,并且必须符合所有既定的学院政策. Revisions shall be voted upon by the entire exempt staff in the same manner that the council members are elected. Exempt staff who vote shall constitute a quorum, approval by a 2/3 majority of the quorum shall be required to revise the bylaws. The exempt staff shall have at least two weeks to consider any changes to the bylaws.

At least once every five years, 校董会将委任一个委员会,审查豁免工作人员校董会的章程,并就其认为有必要的修订提出建议.

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